data and tools

We have made the following datasets and tools available to the public.

  • Data on coal-fired electricity

    Data on coal-fired electricity

    Data here.

    Paper here.

    Cite: McNerney J, Farmer JD, Trancik JE, Historical Costs of Coal-Fired Electricity and Implications for the Future, Energy Policy, 2011, Vol. 39, pp. 3042-3054.

  • Database on performance curves

    Database on performance curves

    Data here.

    Paper here.

    Cite: Nagy B, Farmer JD, Bui QM, Trancik JE, Statistical Basis for Predicting Technological Progress, PLoS One, 2013, Vol. 8, e52669.

  • Cost-carbon space visualization

    Cost-carbon space visualization

    Visualization Here.

    Paper here.

    Cite: Trancik JE, Cross-Call D, Energy Technologies Evaluated Against Climate Targets Using a Cost and Carbon Trade-off Curve, Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, Vol. 47, pp. 6673-6680.

  • Greenhouse gas equivalency metrics tool

    Greenhouse gas equivalency metrics tool

    Tool here

    Fact Sheet here

    Paper here

    Cite: Edwards ME, Trancik JE, Climate Impacts of Energy Technologies Depend on Emissions Timing, Nature Climate Change, 2014, Vol. 4, pp. 347-352.


    Tool at

    Paper here

    Cite: Miotti M, Supran GJ, Kim EJ, Trancik JE, Personal vehicles evaluated against climate change mitigation targets, accepted for publication in Environmental Science & Technology, 2016.

  • Data on lithium-ion batteries

    Data on lithium-ion batteries

    Data here.

    Paper here.

    Cite the paper: Ziegler MS, Trancik JE. Re-Examining Rates of Lithium-Ion Battery Technology Improvement and Cost Decline, Energy Environ. Sci., 2021, Vol. 14, pp. 1635–1651.
    Cite the data: Ziegler MS, Trancik JE., 2021, “Data series for lithium-ion battery technologies”,, Trancik Lab Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:sVT2vBwWolbQL4BxsTSDUg== [fileUNF]

  • Data on U.S. Nuclear Reactors

    Data on U.S. Nuclear Reactors

    Cite the paper: Eash-Gates, P.; Klemun, M. M.; Kavlak, G.; McNerney, J.; Buongiorno, J.; Trancik, J. E. Sources of Cost Overrun in Nuclear Power Plant Construction Call for a New Approach to Engineering Design. Joule 2020, 4 (11), 2348–2373.

  • Data on silicon solar photovoltaic modules

    Data on silicon solar photovoltaic modules

    Data here.

    Paper here.

    Cite the paper: Kavlak, G.; McNerney, J.; Trancik, J. E. Evaluating the Causes of Cost Reduction in Photovoltaic Modules. Energy Policy 2018, 123, 700–710.
    Cite the data: Kavlak, Goksin; McNerney, James; Ziegler, Micah S.; Trancik, Jessika E., 2023, “Representative data series of price decline of silicon solar photovoltaic modules”,, Harvard Dataverse, V1.