
  • McNerney J, Trancik JE, Toward a mathematical theory of technology scaling, in final preparation.
  • Baker E*,  Trancik JE*, Bush B, Nemet G, Surana K, Gabriel SA, Popper S, Klemun MM, Arent D, Baldwin SF, Bosetti V, Hanes RJ, Henrion M, Marangoni G, Way R, Emerging science can improve decisions on public investment in energy research, in review. *Authors contributed equally.
  • Eash-Gates P, Kavlak G, Klemun MM, Kamat AS, Trancik JE, Effects of plug-and-play photovoltaic designs on balance-of-system costs, in review.
  • Kavlak G*, Klemun MM*, Kamat AS, Smith BL, Margolis RM, Trancik JE, Nature of innovations affecting photovoltaic system costs, in review. *Authors contributed equally.
  • Klemun MM, Kavlak G, McNerney J, Trancik JE, Mechanisms of hardware and soft technology evolution and the implications for solar energy cost trends, 2023, Vol. 8, 827–838 link.
  • Needell ZA, Trancik JE, Strategies for beneficial electric vehicle charging to reduce peak electricity demand and store solar energy, Cell Reports Physical Science, 2023, Vol. 4, 101287 link.
  • Trancik JE, Ziegler MS, Accelerating Climate Innovation: A Mechanistic Approach and Lessons for Policymakers, 2023 link.
  • Edwards ME, Trancik JE, Consequences of equivalency metric design for energy transitions and climate change, Climatic Change, 2022, Vol. 175, Article No. 4 link.
  • Roy M, Ghoddusi H, Trancik JE, Evaluating low-carbon transportation technologies when demand responds to price, Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, Vol. 56, pp. 2096–2106 link.
  • Ziegler MS, Song J, Trancik JE, Determinants of lithium-ion battery technology cost decline. Energy & Environmental Science, 2021, Vol. 14, pp. 6074–6098 link.
  • Miotti M, Needell ZA, Ramakrishnan S, Heywood J, Trancik JE, Quantifying the impact of driving style changes on light-duty vehicle fuel consumption, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2021,  Vol. 98, 102918 link.
  • Trancik JE, Testing and improving technology forecasts for better climate policy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021, Vol. 118, e2109417118 link.
  • Ziegler MS, Trancik JE, Re-examining rates of lithium-ion battery technology improvement and cost decline, Energy & Environmental Science, 2021, Vol. 14, pp. 1635–1651 link.
  • Wei W, Ramakrishnan S, Needell ZA, Trancik JE, Personal vehicle electrification and charging solutions defined by high-energy days, Nature Energy, 2021, Vol. 6, pp. 105–114 link.
  • Eash-Gates P*, Klemun MM*, Kavlak G, McNerney J, Buongiorno J, Trancik JE, Sources of cost overrun in nuclear power plant construction call for a new approach to engineering design, Joule, 2020, Vol. 4, pp. 2348–2373. *Authors contributed equally link.
  • Klemun MM*, Edwards MR*, Trancik JE, Research priorities for supporting subnational climate policies, WIREs Climate Change, 2020, Vol. 11, pp. e646 link.*Authors contributed equally, Trancik Lab policy on non-alphabetical ordering applied when the same authors contribute equally to multiple articles.
  • Klemun MMTrancik JE, Timelines for mitigating the methane impacts of using natural gas for carbon dioxide abatement, Environmental Research Letters, 2019, Vol. 14, pp. 124069 link.
  • Ziegler, MS, Mueller, JM, Pereira, GD, Song, J, Ferrara, M, Chiang, YM and Trancik, JE, Storage requirements and costs of shaping renewable energy toward grid decarbonization, Joule, 2019, Vol. 3, pp.2134-2153 link.
  • Kavlak G, McNerney J, Trancik JE, Evaluating the causes of cost reduction in photovoltaics modules, Energy Policy, 2018, Vol: 123, pp. 700-710 link.
  • Needell ZA, Trancik JE, Efficiently simulating personal vehicle energy consumption in mesoscopic transport models, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2018, Vol. 2672, pp. 163-173 link
  • Davis SJ, Lewis NS, Shaner M, Aggarwal S, Arent D, Azevedo IL, Benson SM, Bradley T, Brouwer J, Chiang YM, Clack CTM, Cohen A, Doig S, Edmonds J, Fennell P, Field CB, Hannegan B, Hodge BM, Hoffert MI, Ingersoll E, Jaramillo P, Lackner KS, Mach KJ, Mastrandrea M, Ogden J, Peterson PF, Sanchez DL, Sperling D, Stagner J, Trancik JE, Yang CJ, Caldeira K, Net-zero energy systems, Science, 2018, Vol. 360, pp. eaas9793 link.
  • Edwards MR*, Klemun MM*, Kim HC, Wallington TJ, Winkler SL, Tamor MA, Trancik JE, Vehicle Emissions of Short-Lived and Long-Lived Climate Forcers: Trends and Tradeoffs, Faraday Discussions, 2017, Vol. 200, pp. 453-474 link. *Authors contributed equally.
  • McNerney J*Needell ZA*Chang MTMiotti MTrancik JE, TripEnergy: Estimating personal vehicle energy consumption given limited travel survey data, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2017, Vol. 2628, pp. 58-66 link. *Authors contributed equally.
  • Edwards MR, McNerney J, Trancik JE, Testing emissions equivalency metrics against climate policy goals, Environmental Science & Policy, 2016, Vol. 66, pp. 191-198 link.
  • Miotti M*, Supran GJ*, Kim EJ, Trancik JE, Personal vehicles evaluated against climate change mitigation targets, Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, Vol. 50, pp. 10795–10804 link. *Authors contributed equally.
  • Needell ZA, McNerney J, Chang MT, Trancik JE, Potential for widespread electrification of personal vehicle travel in the United States, Nature Energy, 2016, Vol. 1, 16112, link.
  • Braff WA*, Mueller JM*, Trancik JE, Value of storage technologies for solar and wind energy, Nature Climate Change, 2016, Vol. 6, pp. 964–969 link. *Authors contributed equally.
  • Trancik JE, Innovation: Clean energy enters virtuous cycle, Nature, 2015, Vol. 528, p. 333 link.
  • Trancik JE, Brown PR, Jean J, Kavlak G, Klemun MM, Edwards MR, McNerney J, Miotti M, Mueller JM, Needell ZA, Technology improvement and emissions reductions as mutually reinforcing efforts: Observations from the global development of solar and wind energy, technical report, 2015 full reportpolicy briefreport homepage.
  • Roy M, Edwards MR, Trancik JE, Methane mitigation timelines to inform energy technology evaluation, Environmental Research Letters, 2015, Vol. 10, pp. 114024 pdflink.
  • Kavlak GMcNerney J, Jaffe RL, Trancik JE, Metals production requirements for rapid photovoltaics deployment, Energy & Environmental Science, 2015, Vol. 8, pp. 1651-1659 linkSSRN linkArXiv link.
  • Kavlak GMcNerney J, Jaffe, RL, Trancik JE, Growth in metals production for rapid photovoltaics deployment, Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2014, pp. 1442-1447 link.
  • Edwards MR, Trancik JE, Climate impacts of energy technologies depend on emissions timing, Nature Climate Change, 2014, Vol. 4, pp. 347-352 link.
  • Trancik JE, Back the renewables boom, Nature, 2014, Vol. 507, pp. 300-302 link.
  • Trancik JE, Chang MT, Karapataki C, Stokes LC, Effectiveness of a segmental approach to climate change policy, Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, Vol. 48, pp. 27-35 link.
  • Bettencourt LMA*, Trancik JE*, Kaur J, Determinants of the pace of global innovation in energy technologies, PLoS One, 2013, Vol. 8, e67864 pdf, link. *Authors contributed equally.
  • Trancik JECross-Call D, Energy technologies evaluated against climate targets using a cost and carbon trade-off curve, Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, Vol. 47, pp. 6673-6680 link.
  • Nagy B, Farmer JD, Bui QM, Trancik JE, Statistical basis for predicting technological progress, PLoS One, 2013, Vol. 8, e52669 link.
  • Ghoddusi HCross-Call DTrancik JE, The supply risks and resilience of biofuels, Proceedings of the Third International Engineering Systems Symposium, 2012.
  • McNerney J, Farmer JD, Trancik JE, Historical costs of coal-fired electricity and implications for the future, Energy Policy, 2011, Vol. 39, pp. 3042-3054 link.
  • McNerney J, Farmer JD, Redner S, Trancik JE, Role of design complexity in technology improvement, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2011, Vol. 108, pp. 9008-9013 link.
  • Nagy B, Farmer JD, Trancik JE, Gonzales JP, Superexponential long-term trends in information technology, Technology Forecasting and Social Change, 2011, Vol. 78, pp. 1356-1364 link.
  • Trancik JE, Calabrese Barton S, Hone J, Transparent and catalytic carbon nanotube films, Nano Letters, 2008, Vol. 8, pp. 982-987.
  • Farmer JD* and Trancik JE*, Dynamics of technological development in the energy sector, London Accord Final Publication, J-P Onstwedder and M Mainelli eds. (2007); and Santa Fe Institute Working Paper #07-12-046 pdf. *Authors contributed equally.
  • Trancik JE, Scale and innovation in the energy sector: a focus on photovoltaics and nuclear fission, Environmental Research Letters, 2006, Vol. 1, 014009 (7 pp) pdf.
  • Trancik JE, Zweibel K, Technology choice and the cost reduction potential of photovoltaics, J.E. Trancik, K. Zweibel, Proceedings of the World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, IEEE WCPEC – 4, 2006, Vol. 2, pp. 2490-2493.
  • Trancik JE, Photovoltaics – a niche-market distraction or a global energy solution? Georgetown Public Policy Review, 2006, Vol. 11, pp. 69-81
  • Trancik JE, Czernuszka JT, Riekel C, Bell FI, Viney C, Nanostructural features of a spider dragline silk as revealed by electron and X-ray diffraction studies, Polymer, 2006, Vol. 47, pp. 5633-5642 (invited paper).
  • Halvarsson M, Trancik JE, Ruppi S, The microstructure of CVD k-Al2O3 multilayers separated by thin intermediate TiN or TiC layers, International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 2006, Vol. 24, pp.32-38
  • Trancik JE, Gilmore A, Reichardt J, Tiazzoldi C, Efficient and resilient electric power networks: A Chinese case study, Complex Systems Summer School, Beijing, Santa Fe Institute (2005)
  • Trancik JE, Czernuszka JT, Cockayne DJH, Viney C, Nanostructural physical and chemical information derived from the unit cell scattering amplitudes of a spider dragline silk, Polymer, 2005, Vol. 46, pp. 5225-5231
  • Trancik JE, Czernuszka JT, Bell F, Viney C, Nanoscale origins of spider dragline mechanical properties, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 2005, Vol. 844, Y4.7.1-Y4.7.6
  • Trancik JE, and Modi, V., Energy infrastructure design in Sao Tome e Principe, in Development Plan of Action, Earth Institute Advisory Project (2004)
  • Trancik JE, Silk microstructures, University of Oxford (2002), DPhil Thesis
  • Trancik JE, Czernuszka JT, Merriman C, Viney C, A simple method for orienting silk and other flexible fibres in transmission electron microscopy specimens, Journal of Microscopy, 2001, Vol. 203, pp. 235-238
  • Kraus GT, Lu Y-C, Trancik JE, Mitro DM, Giannelis EP, Thompson MO, and Sass SL, Synthesis and magnetic properties of Ni- Al2O3 thin films, Journal of Applied Physics, 1997, Vol. 82, pp. 1189-1195
  • Ustundag E, Stocker ML, Shapiro Y, Trancik JE, Sass SL, In situ processing of metal-ceramic composites using partial reduction reactions: effect of dopants, porosity and volume change, in Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials IV, T.S. Srivatsan and J.J. Moore (eds.), TMS, Pennsylvania (1996)


  • Trancik JE, Needell ZA, and McNerney J, ‘TripEnergy’, US Patent Application, No. 62/374952, US20180045526A1 (2018)
  • Trancik JE and Hone J, ‘Ozone-treated Carbon Electrodes’, US Patent Application No. 12/221,462, US20090038681A1 (2014)
  • Saffre F and Trancik JE, ‘Scheduling Usage or Provision of Resources’, Patent Application EP 08 251 232.8, US20110029348A1, EP2107518A1, EP2272033A1, WO2009122173A1 (2011)